get Command

Learn how you can synchronize your local project files with the developer consoles using the jovo get CLI command.


The Jovo CLI can be used to communicate with various developer consoles, for example from platforms like Alexa or Google Assistant.

jovo get allows you to download files from a developer console into your build folder to synchronize your local files with the remote console project. You can see it as the opposite of the deploy command.

A use case for get is convenience. Sometimes, it's easier to make updates (modify a language model, upload assets) in the browser based developer portal instead of JSON files. get allows you to make the changes online and the import them into your project.

You can then take a look at the updated build folder and copy those changes over to the project configuration, for example by using the file builder. This will make sure that the content in the developer console does not get overridden in the next build command execution.


Use get:platform to synchronize your local build files with platform developer consoles:

$ jovo get:platform <platform>

# Example
$ jovo get:platform alexa

You can also add flags from the table below.

--locale, -lThe locales to be retrieved--locale en, --locale en de
--cleanOverwrite existing files in the build folder
--stageThe stage to be retrieved. See staging.--stage dev
--build-reverseTurn retrieved models into Jovo models in the models folder. See build command docs for more information.

CLI integrations may also add their own flags. Learn more in the respective platform docs:


Command Not Found

All global CLI commands are referenced in the user config file in .jovo/config. If you run into command not found errors, it's possible that the CLI can't access the user config.

If you need to access local versions of this command, for example in an npm script or CI environment, you can add it to the jovo.project.js configuration like this:

const { ProjectConfig } = require('@jovotech/cli');
const { GetCommand } = require('@jovotech/cli-command-get');
// ...

const project = new ProjectConfig({
  endpoint: '${JOVO_WEBHOOK_URL}',
  plugins: [
    new GetCommand(),
    // ...