Samsung Bixby

Integration published by Jovo | 2,341 downloads

Build apps for Samsung's Bixby assistant platform

Samsung Bixby Platform Integration

Learn more about how Bixby works and how you can use it with the Jovo Framework.


With the launch of v3.0 of the Jovo Framework, we introduced a new platform integration for Samsung Bixby. It enables you to program highly scalable cross-platform voice applications for Bixby and use the countless integrations for the Jovo Framework, such as persistent user storage and Content-Management-Systems.

You can access the bixbyCapsule object like this:

Bixby Basics

Although Bixby has some similarities to other platforms such as Alexa or Google Assistant, it follows some majorly different development paradigms. While development for other platforms may be imperative driven, Bixby implements a declarative driven development process by allowing you to describe your intents with models, rather than pure code.


Models are the building blocks of a Bixby Capsule. They determine what and how Bixby can accomplish tasks, with desired inputs and outputs. When training your capsule, Bixby will take your models and builds an execution graph, which provides the exact order of operations for Bixby to take upon a specific user prompt.

Models can be split up into concepts and actions. A concept can be explained as an entity representing a "thing", such as a name, an animal, or something more complex like a restaurant order. There are many kinds of concepts, for very different use cases, the most common being primitives and structure concepts. Actions on the other hand act as an interface for an operation that Bixby can execute. With the help of concepts, they define a ruleset of inputs and outputs to achieve a desired result upon a user prompt.


Primitives are the simplest building blocks of a Bixby Capsule and are able to hold data like text, numbers or boolean values. Primitives can be used to form structures, inputs or outputs for actions, for example.

Read more about primitives here.


While primitives describe very simple data types, structures form more complex data sets, containing any number of properties. Each property is a concept by itself, with a specific set of attributes, describing their role and behaviour.

Each property is required to define it's type, optionality and cardinality. The type can be either a primitive or another structure, if you need to handle more complex data in nested structures. The keyword min defines the properties optionality, which can be either Required or Optional. max sets the properties cardinality, defining whether the property allows for more than one value. Valid values are One or Many. By default, each property has the attributes min(Optional) and max(One).

If you want to enhance a structure, you can use the extends feature, which allows you to inherit the parent structure's properties and extend them by adding new properties.

If you want to assign a more specific role to your structure without altering any properties, you can use the role-of feature. This allows you to specialize a certain structure, so Bixby can distinguish between the same concept for different use cases.

Read more about structures here.


Actions help Bixby understand how to act upon a specific user prompt and what to expect as inputs and outputs. For the platform integration, actions are intent-oriented, meaning that for every intent in your Jovo app, you have to define an action with corresponding inputs and outputs. As for structures, actions require a specific set of attributes, such as it's type, a number of inputs and an output type. The default action type is Search, but there are numerous more types available, each with it's own specific use case.

Learn more about action types here.

An action can only provide one output, which can be a primitive or a structure, depending on what your code will return. As for inputs, each one has to define a specific set of attributes, similar to structure properties. Attributes include a type, optionality and cardinality, but also optional input validation or default values.

Read more about modeling actions here.

Dialog and Views

Bixby provides two ways of communicating with the user: dialog and views. While dialog is used to play speech output to the user, to inform them about certain results or to request additional information, Views form your capsule's visual user interface, capable of showing text, buttons, input fields and lists, for example.

You can use the SpeechBuilder to create rich responses, which will be returned to Bixby as a property of JovoResponse. If you want to use SSML, note that Bixby currently only supports the following SSML tags:

  • <lang>
  • <audio>

Learn more about dialog in Bixby here.

Learn more about using SSML with Bixby here.

Learn more about the Jovo SpeechBuilder here.

Bixby allows you to build a visual experience with views, either for showing results, confirming certain operations or for requesting additional input.

Learn more about views in Bixby here.

Learn more about using layouts here.


Training Bixby is similar to Alexa's interactive model. You provide a number of training samples, or utterances, which will be used by Bixby to understand your user's intents and how to differentiate between inputs. For that process, Bixby offers a training tool, which provides you with a visual interface for entering and specifying user utterances. Every utterance is required to specify a goal and optional inputs. A goal must be a model, either a concept or an action, depending on your use case. To reach that goal, you might need a number of inputs to satisfy the action or concept. To mark a part of your utterance as an input parameter, you need to specify it's type, so Bixby can associate it with required inputs specified in your goal.

Training Example

In this example training utterance, our goal will be MyNameIsAction, which requires an input primitive NameInput of type text.

Learn more about training here.

The training file contains all of your capsule's natural language models, which are being used by Bixby to understand your user prompts and how to differentiate between inputs. For every training sample, a goal must be specified, telling Bixby what action to execute on that sample. Furthermore, you can specify inputs with associated nodes or even routes for Bixby to collect additional information.


Bixby offers multiple ways for setting certain configurations, either for the deployment process or properties for the capsule to work with while operating.

Capsule Properties and Endpoints

In your Bixby capsule, you're most likely to come across a file. This file acts similar to a .env file, as it stores configuration information, which could be changed without altering any models or code. For the platform integration, this file is required to contain your webhook url for communication between Bixby and the Jovo Framework.

As mentioned, Bixby uses your models to outline your capsule and to get an idea of what data to expect and how to handle it. To couple your models with your code logic, Bixby needs a way to know, which action model to associate with a certain part of your code. There are two ways to do this: local endpoints and remote endpoints. Per default, Bixby uses local endpoints in the form of javascript files, which export a single function executing your code and returning an output according to the associated model. Remote endpoints on the other hand allow you to outsource your code logic to a remote server and provide it's endpoint to Bixby, which, upon a user prompt, will send a post request to your server, where you can handle the action and return a valid response. The platform integration uses that feature to allow communication between the Jovo voice app and your capsule.

Note that we use the property remote.url as a prefix, which references the url we set in Additionally, you have to specify which intent you want to trigger with your action by providing a query parameter intent in the endpoint's url. For your LaunchAction, you don't have to specify an intent.

Read more about configuring endpoints here.

Deployment Configuration

Bixby provides multiple ways of adding configuration to your capsule, and depending on it's use case, it will be located in different files.

capsule-info.bxb holds all of your capsule's information, such as it's display name, a description and certain search keywords.

Learn more about capsule-info.bxb here.

To be marketplace compliant, your capsule needs to provide hints in a .hints.bxb file. Hints are used by Bixby to provide your users with utterance suggestions, so they get an idea of how your capsule works and what they can achieve with it.

Learn more about hints here.

Last, but not least, capsule.bxb acts as a place for deployment configuration for your capsule, such as it's version, library imports, runtime flags and deployment targets.

Learn more about capsule.bxb here.

Jovo Models

When you start a new capsule with the intent of using the platform integration with the Jovo Framework, it is recommended to start with our Bixby Hello World Template. Not only does it come with our Hello World Example, it also includes all Jovo models required for the integration to work properly. You can download it using the following command:

Usually, all models have their respective folders, such as actions/ for actions, primitives/ for primitives and so on. However, in our example capsule, located inside platforms/bixby/ in the example project, you will find another folder, models/Jovo/. This folder contains predefined models, required for the platform integration to work properly.

Jovo Primitives

Inside primitives/, you will find three primitive concepts.

JovoSessionId of type text acts as a unique identifier for the current session. Once your capsule is launched, a new session will be constructed, containing data for the entire session, such as data you set yourself in your voice app or context about the current user.

Learn more about session data in Jovo here.

JovoSpeech forms the speech output of your capsule. Unfortunately, there is no reprompt functionality, so you only have one dialog output. If you want to use SSML, note that Bixby currently supports the following SSML tags:

  • <lang>
  • <audio>
  • <say-as>
  • <s>
  • <p>
  • <sub>

Learn more about using SSML with Bixby here.

Learn more about the Jovo SpeechBuilder here.

JovoText same as JovoSpeech but with SSML removed.

JovoState describes the current state of your voice app.

Learn more about states in Jovo here.

Jovo Structures


JovoLayout is an experimental structure for the platform integration. Currently, there is no real functionality for creating a layout with the platform integration, but you can add your own properties to the structure to use in your capsule.

Learn more about layout here.


This structure describes session data, which will be passed between Bixby and your Jovo application. Mandatory properties are _JOVO_SESSION_ID_ and _JOVO_STATE_, implementing the Jovo primitives we discussed before. If you want to use your own session values, you need to manually create a respective concept type and add the property in the JovoSessionData structure.

Note that your own properties must be optional and of cardinality One.

Learn more about session data in Jovo here.


JovoResponse is a structure for the response object, which allows communication between your capsule and your Jovo app. It features all yet available functionality as properties, such as speech SSML output _JOVO_SPEECH_ of type JovoSpeech, text output _JOVO_TEXT_ of type JovoText, _JOVO_LAYOUT for adding layouts to your capsule and _JOVO_SESSION_DATA_ for session data.

The property _JOVO_AUDIO_ can be used for playing a playlist of audio files.

Learn more about playing audio with Bixby here.

Jovo Actions

As of v3.0, there is only one action predefined in models/Jovo/actions/, JovoPlayAudioAction. This action features a computed input, meaning that this input does not come from the user directly, it rather derives from other inputs. In this case, a returned JovoResponse is used to compute the audio input of type audioPlayer.Result by accessing the response property _JOVO_AUDIO_.

Learn more about playing audio with Bixby here.

Bixby AudioPlayer

You can find more about Bixby Audioplayer support here.

Bixby Layouts

While dialogs contain speech output for your user, layouts allow you to display results or prompt the user for interaction, such as providing additional data by selecting an element from a list. Currently, we don't provide dedicated helper functions in the way we do for the Bixby AudioPlayer, but you can use addLayoutAttribute(key, value) to add any properties to the layout attribute in your response.

Now, you have to provide Bixby with enough information, so it knows to expect a layout property text. Go ahead and add a primitive LayoutText to your primitives/ folder, then add that property to the JovoLayout structure located inside models/Jovo/structures/.

Finally, add the property to your layout file. If you are starting with our example capsule, it should be located in resources/en/layouts/.

When you now launch your capsule, you should see your layout property displayed.

Layout Example

You can find more about Bixby Layouts support here.

Samsung Bixby Changelog

Jovo Marketplace | GitHub | npm

Current version might be higher than the latest changes displayed below because of updates of dependencies.

2021-02-22 [3.5]

  • #901 Move setResponse from response to after.response middleware (@aswetlow)

2020-08-21 [3.0.25]

✨ New Features

3.0.20 (2020-05-28)

💅 Enhancements

3.0.11 (2020-04-06)

  • Updated Typescript to 3.8.x
  • Updated Prettier to 2.x

Committers: 2

3.0.6 (2020-03-04)

🐛 Bug Fix

Committers: 1

3.0.3 (2020-02-27)

💅 Enhancement

  • #680 Implement setBixbyHandler, Add code examples and layout paragraph to Bixby docs (@rubenaeg)
  • #682 Implement Bixby AudioPlayer directives (@rubenaeg)

Committers: 1


Find the 2.x changelog here.

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