Google BigQuery Integration

The Google BigQuery Jovo integration allows you to monitor and analyze voice and chat conversations between your Jovo app and its users.


Google Cloud's BigQuery allows you to easily collect, process, and analyze data streams in real time.

The BigQuery Jovo analytics plugin can be used to automatically track events for your voice apps and chatbots. Use it to send data about sessions, intents, entities, etc. to BigQuery. It's also possible to track custom events in your Jovo handlers using the $bigQuery property.

Learn more in the following sections:


To successfully use Jovo with BigQuery, you need to follow the steps detailed in the sections below:

Set up BigQuery

To set up BigQuery, you need to create a service account, download the JSON file, and include it in your project's src folder. Typically, we name the file serviceAccount.json.

Follow these steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud Console, create a new project.
  2. Select the project.
  3. Create a Service Account and set the Service Account ID.
  4. Assign the Service Account the role of "BigQuery Data Editor".
  5. Select the Service Account and on the Keys tab, click the Add Key button.
  6. Create a new key with JSON key type.
  7. The JSON file will download. Copy the file to your Jovo project's src folder and rename it to serviceAccount.json.
  8. In your Google project, open BigQuery and create a dataset and a table.
  9. Define the table schema using the starter schema

To learn more about service account credentials, see Authenticating with a service account key file. The service account must include the BigQuery Data Editor role to insert rows to the table.

Before you can log to the BigQuery table, you need to create the table and define a schema. Use this starter schema and paste into the text area when you toggle on "Edit as text".

Add BigQuery Integration to Jovo App

Install the Jovo plugin like this:

$ npm install @jovotech/analytics-bigquery

In your app configuration, add BigQuery to any stage you like, e.g. (analytics is usually added to the production stage only, learn more about staging here):

import { BigQueryAnalytics } from '@jovotech/analytics-bigquery';
import serviceAccount from './service-account.json';
// ...

  plugins: [
    new BigQueryAnalytics({
      appId: '<YOUR-APP-ID>',
      datasetId: '<YOUR-DATASET-ID>',
      tableId: '<YOUR-TABLE-ID>', 
      libraryConfig: {
        credentials: serviceAccount,
      // ...
    // ...

For the integration to work, you need the service account created in the Set up BigQuery section. And at least the configuration options shown in the code example above.

Learn about all configurations below.


The following configurations can be added:

new BigQueryAnalytics({
  appId: '<YOUR-APP-ID>',
  datasetId: '<YOUR-DATASET-ID>',
  tableId: '<YOUR-TABLE-ID>', 
  libraryConfig: { /* ... */ },
  dryRun: false,
  insertRowOptions: { /* ... */ },
  logging: true,
  onAddEvent: async (jovo: Jovo, event: AnalyticsEvent) => {
    event.timeZone = '';
  addEventFilter: (jovo: Jovo, event: AnalyticsEvent) =>
    event.eventType !== 'device_capabilities',

It includes these properties:

  • appId: Required. Matches appId column in BigQuery table. Logged with every event to distiguish one app's log entries from another.
  • datasetId: Required. The name of the BigQuery dataset to write to.
  • tableId: Required. The name of the BigQuery table to write to.
  • libraryConfig: Required. BigQuery options including credentials file. See libraryConfig for more information.
  • dryRun: Default is false. When true, the plugin's sendEvents function does not insert the events into the BigQuery table.
  • insertRowOptions: Used to configure the insert of rows into BigQuery. See insertRowOptions for more information.
  • logging: Default is false. When true, logs plugin calls for addEvent and sendEvents. See logging for more information.
  • onAddEvent: Optional. Allows modification of the event before it is sent to BigQuery. See onAddEvent for more information.
  • addEventFilter: Optional. Allows filtering an event before it is sent to BigQuery. See addEventFilter for more information.


This config property is of the type BigQueryOptions. The config will be used when initializing the BigQuery client.

Add the service account JSON file to the src folder.

The BigQuery client config includes:

import { BigQueryAnalytics } from '@jovotech/analytics-bigquery';
import serviceAccount from './serviceAccount.json';
// ...

new BigQueryAnalytics({
  libraryConfig: {
    credentials: serviceAccount,
    // ...
  // ...


import { BigQueryAnalytics } from '@jovotech/analytics-bigquery';
import serviceAccount from './serviceAccount.json';
// ...

new BigQueryAnalytics({
  libraryConfig: {
    projectId: serviceAccount.project_id,
    keyFilename: './serviceAccount.json',
  // ...
  • credentials: imported service account JSON (including project_id)
  • projectId: BigQuery project id.
  • keyFilename: Path to the service account JSON file.
  • For more properties, see the official reference.


Configure the options for inserting rows into BigQuery.

The insert row options include:

new BigQueryAnalytics({
  insertRowOptions: { 
    skipInvalidRows: true, 
    ignoreUnknownValues: true 
  // ...
  • skipInvalidRows: If true (default), insert all valid rows of a request, even if invalid rows exist.
  • ignoreUnknownValues: If true (default), accept rows that contain values that do not match the schema. The unknown values are ignored.

See BigQuery Table insert for more details.


You can configure all logging options with a simple true or false (default):

new BigQueryAnalytics({
  logging: true,
  // ...

All request and response events are added to an array with addEvent and then later sent to BigQuery with sendEvents.

You can enable logging for specific plugin functions:

new BigQueryAnalytics({
  logging: {
    addEvent: true,
    sendEvents: true,
  // ...
  • addEvent: This logs the event just after the optional call to the onAddEvent function defined in config, or before being filtered by the optional addEventFilter function.
  • sendEvents: Sends the events to BigQuery. If there are errors inserting the rows, they will be logged.


As a final chance to update an event before it is added to the list of event to log, define the onAddEvent function:

import { BigQueryAnalytics, AnalyticsEvent } from '@jovotech/analytics-bigquery';
// ...

new BigQueryAnalytics({
  onAddEvent: async (jovo: Jovo, event: AnalyticsEvent) => {
    event.timeZone = '';
  // ...

This shows how you can use the TimeZone plugin to set the timezone:

import { BigQueryAnalytics, AnalyticsEvent } from '@jovotech/analytics-bigquery';
import { TimeZonePlugin } from '@jovo-community/plugin-timezone';
// ...

plugins: [
  new TimeZonePlugin(), 
  new BigQueryAnalytics({
    onAddEvent: async (jovo: Jovo, event: AnalyticsEvent) => {
      event.timeZone = await jovo.$timeZone.getTimeZone();
    // ...


Define a addEventFilter function, in order to filter out events from being sent to BigQuery. This function returning or resolving to false will filter the event out.

This shows how to filter out events with eventType === 'device_capabilities':

import { BigQueryAnalytics, AnalyticsEvent } from '@jovotech/analytics-bigquery';
// ...

new BigQueryAnalytics({
  addEventFilter: (jovo: Jovo, event: AnalyticsEvent) =>
    event.eventType !== 'device_capabilities',
  // ...

Event Tracking

Common Properties

All calls to $bigQuery.addEvent(event) track the following properties:

  • eventId (string) - generated UUID for the event
  • appId (string) - the appId from config
  • eventDate (string) - UTC date in ISO 8601 format
  • epochMilliseconds (number) - the number of milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC
  • epochSeconds (number) - the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC
  • locale (string) - the locale from the request (ex: 'en' or 'en-US')
  • timeZone (string) - timeZone from the request (ex: 'America/Phoenix') if it exists. Use onAddEvent for platforms that don't pass the timeZone in the request.
  • userId (string) - platform-supplied user id
  • sessionId (string) - platform-supplied session id
  • requestId (string) - generated UUID that groups all events for a given request

Built-in Events

The following events are tracked automatically and add additional properties (as shown):

  • device_capabilities

    • deviceId (string) - the platform-supplied device id
    • supportScreen (boolean) - if device supports a screen
    • supportAudio (boolean) - if device supports SSML audio
    • supportLongformAudio (boolean) - if device supports long-form audio
    • supportVideo (boolean) - if device supports video
  • error

    • errorName (string) - the name of the error
    • message (string) - the error message
    • stack (string) - the error stack trace
  • execute_handler

    • component (string) - the name of the component
    • handler (string) - the name of the handler
  • intent

    • intent (string) - the resolved intent
  • intent_entity

    • intent (string) - the resolved intent
    • entityName (string) - the name of the entity
    • entityId (string) - the id of the entity
    • entityResolved (string) - the resolved value of the entity
    • entityValue (string) - the value of the entity
  • new_user (only common properties)

  • request_start (only common properties)

  • request_end

    • elapsed (number) - milliseconds since request_start event
  • session_start (only common properties)

  • session_end

    • elapsed (number) - milliseconds since session_start event
    • reason (string) - reason for the session to end ('user' or 'error')
  • transcript

    • transcriptText (string) - the text transcription from ASR

Custom Events

Include your own custom events by calling $bigQuery.addEvent(event) or $bigQuery.addError(error).

For any custom properties you add in code, update the Google BigQuery table schema to include them.


await this.$bigQuery.addEvent({
    eventType: 'game_start',
    player: 'player-name',


try {
} catch (error) {
  await this.$bigQuery.addError(error);