Google Assistant Output

Learn more about output templates for Google Assistant.


Jovo offers the ability to create structured output that is then translated into native platform responses.

This structured output is called output template. Its root properties are generic output elements that work across platforms. Learn more about how generic output is translated into a Google Assistant response below.

  message: `Hello world! What's your name?`,
  reprompt: 'Could you tell me your name?',
  listen: true,

You can also add platform-specific output to an output template. Learn more about Google Assistant-specific output below.

  // ...
  platforms: {
    googleAssistant: {
      // ...

Generic Output Elements

Generic output elements are in the root of the output template and work across platforms. Learn more in the Jovo output template docs.

Below, you can find a list of generic output elements that work with Google Assistant:


The generic message element is what Google Assistant is saying (or displaying) to the user:

  message: 'Hello world!',

Under the hood, Jovo translates the message into a firstSimple response object (see the official Google Assistant docs):

  "prompt": {
    "firstSimple": {
      "speech": "<speak>Hello world!</speak>",
      "text": "Hello world!"

The resulting speech property gets automatically wrapped into SSML tags. For text, SSML is removed.

It's also possible to turn message into an object with a speech and a text property:

  message: {
    speech: 'Hello listener!',
    text: 'Hello reader!'

This is then turned into the following response:

  "prompt": {
    "firstSimple": {
      "speech": "<speak>Hello listener!</speak>",
      "text": "Hello reader!"

The text property is limited to 640 characters. By default, Jovo output trims the content to that length. Learn more in the output sanitization documentation.


The generic reprompt element is used to ask again if the user does not respond to a prompt after a few seconds:

  message: `Hello world! What's your name?`,
  reprompt: 'Could you tell me your name?',
  listen: true,

Under the hood, Jovo translates the reprompt into NO_INPUT_1, NO_INPUT_2, and NO_INPUT_FINAL.

Note: For Google Assistant to wait for a user to answer a question, the listen property needs to be added.


The listen element determines if Google Assistant should keep the microphone open and wait for a user's response.

By default (if you don't specify it otherwise in the template), listen is set to true. If you want to close a session after a response, you need to set it to false:

  message: `Goodbye!`,
  listen: false,

If listen is set to false, Jovo sets the expectUserResponse in the Google Assistant response to false.

The listen element can also be used to add dynamic entities, called type overrides in Google Assistant. Learn more in the $entities documentation.

quickReplies (Suggestions)

The generic quickReplies element translates into a concept called suggestions on Google Assistant. You can learn more in the official Google Assistant docs.

  // ...
  quickReplies: ['Yes', 'No'],

Under the hood, Jovo translates quickReplies into the following:

  "suggestions": [
      "title": "Yes"
      "title": "No"

If you define your quickReplies using objects instead of strings, the text property will be used for the resulting title:

  quickReplies: [
      text: 'oh yeah', // this is used for 'title'
      value: 'yes',
    // ...


The generic card element can be used to display a basic card in Google Assistant. Learn more about basic cards in the official Google Assistant docs.

  // ...
  card: {
    title: 'Hello world!',
    subtitle: 'Some subtitle',
    content: 'Welcome to this new app built with Jovo.',
    imageUrl: ''

Under the hood, this gets translated into the following object as part of the response to Google Assistant:

  "card": {
    "title": "Hello world!",
    "subtitle": "Some subtitle",
    "text": "Welcome to this new app built with Jovo.", // Taken from 'content'
    "image": {
      "alt": "Hello world!", // Taken from 'title'
      "url": ""

A generic carousel element is a horizontally scrollable set of card items. In Google Assistant, this is called a collection. Learn more in the official Google Assistant docs.

  // ...
  carousel: {
    title: 'Select an element',
    selection: {
      intent: 'SelectElementIntent',
      entityType: 'ElementType',
    items: [
        title: 'Element A',
        content: 'To my right, you will see element 2.'
        selection: {
          entities: {
            element: {
              value: 'a'
        title: 'Element B',
        content: 'Hi there!',
        selection: {
          entities: {
            element: {
              value: 'b'

It includes the following properties:

  • selection (required): This is used to map a selection of an item to both an intent and an entityType. The type is needed to create a type override (see official Google documentation).
  • items (required): An array of elements to be displayed. They also need to include a selection property with an entities map. If the array consists of only 1 item, the output is converted to a card.
  • title (optional): A string that gets displayed at the top.

Google Assistant Output Elements

It is possible to add platform-specific output elements to an output template. Learn more in the Jovo output template documentation.

For Google Assistant, you can add output elements inside an googleAssistant object:

  // ...
  platforms: {
    googleAssistant: {
      // ...


The nativeResponse property allows you to add native elements exactly how they would be added to the Google Assistant JSON response.

  // ...
  platforms: {
    googleAssistant: {
      nativeResponse: {
        // ...

You can find examples for the Google Assistant response format in the official Google documentation.


By using nativeResponse you can add information about Google Assistant scenes like this:

  // ...
  platforms: {
    googleAssistant: {
      nativeResponse: {
        scene: {
          name: 'SceneName',
          slots: {},
          next: {
            name: 'SomeScene',

This way, you can transition to a scene (like SomeScene in the example above).