Google Assistant Language Model
Learn more about how to configure a Google Assistant language model using the Jovo Model.
The Jovo model files get turned into Google Assistant specific files during the build
The CLI turns all intents into global intents for Google Assistant and adds the Jovo
webhook for fulfillment:
"actions.intent.MAIN": { "handler": { "webhookHandler": "Jovo" } }
You can also create Google Assistant specific intents using the googleAssistant object.
googleAssistant Object
You can add a googleAssistant
object to the root of the Jovo Model to add Google Assistant specific stuff using their original syntax. During the build
process, it will be merged with the platform-independent configuration:
"googleAssistant": { "custom": { "intents": { "ActionsIntent": { "trainingPhrases": [ "foo", "bar" ] } }, "types": { "NameType": { "synonym": { "entities": { "max": { "synonyms": [ "maximilian" ] }, "john": { "synonyms": [ "johnathan" ] } } } } } } }
Global Intents
The Jovo CLI automatically creates an entry for the Jovo Webhook and registers it for every intent. However, if you choose to use customized webhooks, you'll need to overwrite the global intents as well.
"googleAssistant": { "custom": { "global": { "actions.intent.MAIN": { "handler": { "webhookHandler": "MyOwnWebhook" } } } } }
You can also add scenes to the Jovo model. Learn more here.
"googleAssistant": { "custom": { "scenes": { "MyCustomScene": { "conditionalEvents": [{ "condition": "scene.slots.status == \"FINAL\"", "handler": { "staticPrompt": { "candidates": [ { "promptResponse": { "firstSimple": { "variants": [ { "speech": "Hello World!" } ] }, "suggestions": [ { "title": "Foo" }, { "title": "Bar" } ] } } ] } } }] } } } }